Program of calculation of meteorological values

The description of the program is given below. The program works with the meteodata measured by the MTP-5 as for measurements with a step of 100 m, and for measurements with a step of 50 m.

Possibilities of the program

  1. You can open the file with meteodata and study data in a convenient tabular form.

  2. There is a lot of meteorological files and for the choice of the concrete file convenient navigation is provided.

  3. Meteorological data are presented in the table form.
    Temperature :

    Atmospheric pressure :

  4. You can calculate the following data :
    • - average hourly temperature data,
    • - average daily temperature data,
    • - average monthly temperature data,
    • - data on a temperature gradient,
    • - data on potential temperature,
    • - data on a gradient of potential temperature,
    • - profile of atmospheric pressure,
    • - average hourly data of atmospheric pressure,
    • - average daily data of atmospheric pressure,
    • - average monthly data of atmospheric pressure,
    • - data on a gradient of atmospheric pressure.

    You can select time slot, press the button [Do average hourly], [Do average daily], [Do average monthly], [Do gradients], [Do potential temperature], [To calculate pressure] etc., to obtain the required data for all period chosen by you. Results of calculations will be written in the corresponding directories.

    For calculation of atmospheric pressure you can choose units of measurements necessary to you.

  5. You can see the color field of vertical distribution of temperature.
    On the right you can see the broken line corresponding to a temperature profile on any timepoint, and also the straight line corresponding to an adiabatic curve.
    Below you can observe change of temperature within a day at any chosen height.

    You can select a certain interval of temperatures and look at distribution of this interval in the drawing.

    You can do color of the drawing more or less saturated, changing intensity of a coloring.

    In the lower part of the drawing the schedule of dependence of temperature from time at height chosen by you is placed. Sites of a broken line with various coloring correspond to an interval of temperatures of the same color on a color palette. Choosing this or that height, you receive the schedule of dependence. You can also select the "All Heights" item and look how the schedules of change of temperature at all heights imposed at each other look.

  6. You can observe a profile of a temperature gradient in the form of the schedule. In this mode you can choose the hour interesting you and five-minute.

  7. You can observe the color field of potential temperature, and nearby a profile of potential temperature in the form of a broken line. In this mode you can choose the hour interesting you and five-minute, and also to change relative humidity.

    In the lower part of the drawing the schedule of dependence of potential temperature from time at height chosen by you is placed. Sites of a broken line with various coloring correspond to an interval of potential temperatures of the same color on a color palette. Choosing this or that height, you receive the schedule of dependence. You can also select the "All Heights" item and look how the schedules of change of potential temperature at all heights imposed at each other look.

  8. You can observe a profile of a gradient of potential temperature in the form of the schedule. In this mode you can choose the hour interesting you and five-minute.

  9. You can observe a profile of atmospheric pressure in the form of the schedule both for relative humidity of 0%, and for relative humidity of 100%. In this mode you can choose the hour interesting you and five-minute.

  10. You can observe a profile of a gradient of atmospheric pressure in the form of the schedule both for relative humidity of 0%, and for relative humidity of 100%. In this mode you can choose the hour interesting you and five-minute.

  11. At last, you can save the drawing in the file in the graphic format chosen by you.

The detailed help with use of the program is presented in the section Help.

To download the program