Description of the program
- Directories and names of files
- You shouldn't create directories by yourself, they will be created automatically.
- Directories :
- - "PrimaryTemperature" - for storage of primary temperature data.
The name of the file with temperature data contains date of measurements and has the following appearance:
0mtpYYYYMMDD.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters). - - "HourlyTemperature" - for storage of average hourly temperature data.
The name of the file with temperature average hourly data has the following appearance:
hYYYYMMDD.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters). - - "DailyTemperature" - for storage of average daily temperature data.
The name of the file with temperature average daily data has the following appearance :
dYYYYMMDD.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters). - - "MonthlyTemperature" - for storage of average monthly temperature data.
The name of the file with temperature average monthly data has the following appearance :
mYYYYMM.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters). - - "GradientTemperature" - for storage of temperature gradient data.
The name of the file with temperature gradient data has the following appearance :
gYYYYMMDD.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters). - - "PotentialTemperature" - for data storage of potential temperature.
The name of the file with a potential temperature has the following appearance :
pYYYYMMDD.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters). - - "PrimaryPressure" - for storage of data with atmospheric pressure.
The name of the file with data contains date of temperature data according to which calculation was made. The file has the following appearance :
0mtpYYYYMMDD_p.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters).
- - "HourlyPressure" - for storage of average hourly data on atmospheric pressure.
The name of the file with average hourly data has the following appearance :
hYYYYMMDD_p.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters). - - "DailyPressure" - for storage of average daily data on atmospheric pressure.
The name of the file with average daily data has the following appearance :
dYYYYMMDD_p.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters). - - "MonthlyPressure" - for storage of average monthly data on atmospheric pressure.
The name of the file with average monthly data has the following appearance :
mYYYYMM_p.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters). - - "GradientPressure" - for storage of gradient data on atmospheric pressure.
The name of the file with gradient data has the following appearance :
gYYYYMMDD_p.txt, where - YYYY - year (4 letters), MM - month (2 letters), DD - day (2 letters).
- - "PrimaryTemperature" - for storage of primary temperature data.
- What to begin with
- In initial timepoint directories don't contain files with meteodata. You can keep files with temperature data in any directory. But it would be more convenient for you to copy data with the temperature data in "PrimaryTemperature".
- Select a menu item "Data for calculation of pressure" and enter all required data - the geographic latitude, height above sea level and formula for calculations - Lagrange or Babin.
- Tables with meteodata
- At first you can open only the file with primary temperature data. On its basis you can do further calculations.
- As soon as you have made calculations, results of calculations will be automatically placed in the corresponding directories. You will be able to open any of files, having selected the corresponding menu item.
- Meteofiles in a directory can be much. For more convenient navigation you can print number of year and mark month, then only those files which contain in the name this year and month will be shown in the list of files. Such files will be significantly less.
Clear the entry field of number of year, mark "All" in the table of the choice of month, you will see all meteofiles which are available in this directory in the field of the choice of files. - Having opened the file with meteodata, you will see the table which columns represent a step on height in m, and lines - the current time in 5 minutes. An element of the table are temperature data or data on atmospheric pressure.
- Not all columns find room on one page. You can transfer to the following page, having pressed the button on top of the table [>]. To return to the original page - [<].
- Above the heading with the name of the open file is located.
- In the files with data on atmospheric pressure, and also on potential temperature in every line there are two sublines : top - relative humidity 0%, lower - relative humidity 100%. Since relative humidity is unknown at the time of measurement, value of pressure will be in this interval.
- How to calculate average temperature values
OpenFor calculations of average data it is necessary to select a menu item "To calculate" and further - the corresponding subparagraph.
- For obtaining average hourly temperature data choose the subparagraph "To calculate hourly temperature data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do average hourly]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory HourlyTemperature !" - For obtaining average daily temperature data choose the subparagraph "To calculate daily temperature data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do average daily]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory DailyTemperature !" - For obtaining average monthly temperature data choose the subparagraph "To calculate monthly temperature data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do average monthly]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory MonthlyTemperature !" - For obtaining gradient temperature data choose the subparagraph "To calculate gradient temperature data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do gradients]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory GradientTemperature !"
- For obtaining average hourly temperature data choose the subparagraph "To calculate hourly temperature data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
- How to calculate potential temperature
- It is possible to learn about potential temperature here
Potential temperature is taken in Kelvin degrees. - Values of specific heat for dry and damp air can be learned here -
- For calculation of potential temperature it is necessary to select a menu item "To calculate" and further the subparagraph "To calculate potential temperature data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [To calculate potential temperature data]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory PotentialTemperature !" - For calculation of gradients of potential temperature it is necessary to select a menu item "To calculate" and further the subparagraph "To calculate gradients of potential temperature". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do gradients]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory GradientPotentialTemperature !"
- It is possible to learn about potential temperature here
- How to calculate the atmospheric pressure and average data on atmospheric pressure
- For obtaining profile of atmospheric pressure choose the subparagraph "To calculate a profile of atmospheric pressure". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [To calculate pressure]. If data are correct, you receive the message "The meteofiles are written successfully in a directory PrimaryPressure !" - For obtaining average hourly data of atmospheric pressure choose the subparagraph "To calculate hourly pressure data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do average hourly]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory HourlyPressure !" - For obtaining average daily data of atmospheric pressure choose the subparagraph "To calculate daily pressure data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do average daily]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory DailyPressure !" - For obtaining average monthly data of atmospheric pressure choose the subparagraph "To calculate monthly pressure data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do average monthly]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory MonthlyPressure !" - For obtaining gradient data of atmospheric pressure choose the subparagraph "To calculate gradient pressure data". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
Select date and press the button [Do gradients]. If data are correct, you receive the message "Successfully ! Meteofiles are in a directory GradientPressure !"
- For obtaining profile of atmospheric pressure choose the subparagraph "To calculate a profile of atmospheric pressure". On the screen there will be a small calendar in which it is necessary to choose an interval of dates in which you want to obtain data.
- Units of measure of atmospheric pressure
- In the program calculations of atmospheric pressure in the following units of measurements are made :
- Pascal, Pa
- Bar, bar
- Technical atmosphere, at
- Standard atmosphere, atm
- Millimeter of mercury column, mm Hg
- Meter of water column, m H2O
- Communication between various units of measure atmospheric pressure is presented in the following table :
(bar)Technical atmosphere
(at)Standard atmosphere
(atm)Millimeter of mercury column
(mm Hg)Meter of water column
(m H2O)1 Pa 1 10-5 10,197*10-6 9,8692*10-6 7,5006*10-3 1,0197*10-4 1 bar 105 1 1,0197 0,98692 750,06 10,197 1 at 98066,5 0,980665 1 0,96784 735,56 10 1 atm 101325 1,01325 1,033 1 760 10,33 1 mm Hg 133,322 1,3332*10-3 1,3595*10-3 1,3158*10-3 1 13,595*10-3 1 m H2O 9806,65 9,80665*10-2 0,1 0,096784 73,556 1
- In the program calculations of atmospheric pressure in the following units of measurements are made :
- How to receive the graph with temperature dependence on height and time
- You can look at distribution of temperature within a day. For this purpose open the file with primary temperature data. Press the button [Graph] which is on the right in the upper part of a window.
- The window with the drawing will appear. On a vertical axis height with a step of 50 m or 100 m is postponed. On a horizontal axis time of day is located. In the center of the drawing there is a color field - dependence of temperature on height and time. Each difference of temperatures equal to one degree is painted in color which contains in the palette located in the lower part of the drawing.
- Under the color field the color broken line reflecting distribution of temperature within a day in a certain height is drawn. This height is printed to the left of this drawing. On the right from the drawing you can choose any height interesting you and look at distribution of temperature at this height. Sites of a broken line with various coloring correspond to an interval of temperatures of the same color on a color palette. Choosing this or that height, you receive the schedule of dependence. You can also select the "All Heights" item and look how the schedules of change of temperature at all heights imposed at each other look.
- Even below color rectangles are located, each of which corresponds to a certain dispersion of temperatures. These rectangles make a color palette for this file.
- In the right part temperature profile corresponding to specific five-minute is drawn. It is possible to receive a profile at any moment. For this purpose it is necessary to click with the left mouse button about an hour on a horizontal axis. Thus, you choose hour necessary to you. Further, pressing the buttons[<<] and [>>] in the top part of the drawing, you can pass for a five-minute necessary to you. Near buttons [<<] and [>>] the current time will be printed.
- In the drawing on the right together with a temperature profile the straight line which corresponds to a dry adiabatic curve time at the moment is placed.
- You can make the drawing with more or less saturated colors. For this purpose it is necessary to change intensity, pressing the buttons [<<] and [>>], the windows which are in the lower part.
- You can watch distribution of a certain interval of temperatures. Points of the appropriate color (an interval of temperatures) will be drawn with more bright color. For selecting it is necessary to click with the left mouse button in a desirable color rectangle (an interval of temperatures).
- You can look at distribution of a temperature gradient within a day. For this purpose open the file with temperature gradient data. Press the button [Graph] which is on the right in the upper part of a window.
You can choose time - hour - pressing at certain o'clock in the top part of the schedule, minute - by means of buttons [<<] and [>>]. For the first half of day you have to mark "a.m", for the second - "p.m".
In the center of a window you will see the profile of temperature gradient corresponding to the chosen time. - You can look at distribution of potential temperature within a day. For this purpose open the file with potential temperature. Press the button [Graph] which is on the right in the upper part of a window.
- In the center of a window you will see the color field - distribution of potential temperature on height and time.
- In the right part the profile of potential temperature corresponding to specific five-minute is drawn. It is possible to receive a profile at any moment. For this purpose it is necessary to click with the left mouse button about an hour on a horizontal axis. Thus, you choose hour necessary to you. Further, pressing the buttons[<<] and [>>] in the top part of the drawing, you can pass for a five-minute necessary to you. Near buttons [<<] and [>>] the current time will be printed.
- Under the color field the color broken line reflecting distribution of potential temperature within a day in a certain height is drawn. This height is printed to the left of this drawing. On the right from the drawing you can choose any height interesting you and look at distribution of potential temperature at this height. Sites of a broken line with various coloring correspond to an interval of potential temperatures of the same color on a color palette. Choosing this or that height, you receive the schedule of dependence. You can also select the "All Heights" item and look how the schedules of change of potential temperature at all heights imposed at each other look.
- You can select a certain interval of temperatures which will be drawn in the field in brighter color. Also you can change intensity of colors on the color field.
- You can see the color field, vertical and horizontal profiles as for the relative humidity equal of 0%, and for the relative humidity equal of 100%. For this purpose it is necessary to mark the necessary relative humidity in the top part of the drawing.
- You can look at distribution of a gradient of potential temperature within a day. For this purpose open the file with gradients of potential temperature. Press the button [Graph] which is on the right in the upper part of a window.
You can choose time - hour - pressing at certain o'clock in the top part of the schedule, minute - by means of buttons [<<] and [>>]. For the first half of day you have to mark "a.m", for the second - "p.m".
In the center of a window you will see the profile of a gradient of potential temperature corresponding to the chosen time. Besides, you can look at a similar profile for other relative humidity. For this purpose mark 0% or 100%.
- How to receive the graph with dependence of atmospheric pressure on height.
- You can look at distribution of an atmospheric pressure within a day. For this purpose open the file with primary data about an atmospheric pressure. Press the button [Graph] which is on the right in the upper part of a window.
You can choose time - hour - pressing at certain o'clock in the top part of the schedule, minute - by means of buttons [<<] and [>>]. For the first half of day you have to mark "a.m", for the second - "p.m".
In the center of a window you will see the profile of atmospheric pressure corresponding to the chosen time. Besides, you can look at a similar profile for other relative humidity. For this purpose mark 0% or 100%. - You can look at distribution of an atmospheric pressure gradient within a day. For this purpose open the file with atmospheric pressure gradient data. Press the button [Graph] which is on the right in the upper part of a window.
You can choose time - hour - pressing at certain o'clock in the top part of the schedule, minute - by means of buttons [<<] and [>>]. For the first half of day you have to mark "a.m", for the second - "p.m".
In the center of a window you will see the profile of a gradient of atmospheric pressure corresponding to the chosen time. Besides, you can look at a similar profile for other relative humidity. For this purpose mark 0% or 100%.
- You can look at distribution of an atmospheric pressure within a day. For this purpose open the file with primary data about an atmospheric pressure. Press the button [Graph] which is on the right in the upper part of a window.
- How to save meteodata in the file
- In the program all calculated data save in the file automatically.
- You can save figures and diagrams in the file. For this purpose it is necessary to press the button [Save] in a window with a graph. Further it is necessary to select the name of the file and one of graphic formats: .jpg, .gif, .png or .bmp.